Medical Research Academy Graz

Die Medical Research Academy Graz bietet praxisorientierte, qualitativ hochwertige Kurse für Student*innen, Postgraduierte, Doktorand*innen und Berufstätige mit spezifischem Interesse an Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften an. Das Kursprogramm umfasst verschiedene Bereiche der Life-Science-Technologien, Methoden der quantitativen medizinischen Forschung und den Wissensgewinn in der biomedizinischen Forschung.


(Informationen auf Englisch)

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Basic statistics and group comparison in SPSS for life sciences

This course is an introduction to statistical methods and statistical software. On the basis of various practical examples, the participants learn to analyse and visualize data using the software SPSS and get insight how to interpret statistical results. A main goal is to show participants the importance of quality control, assessing assumptions and ensuring adequate sample size. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be familiar with basic statistical methods and will be able to interpret statistical analysis. The participants will have the ability to choose the suitable statistical analysis method for different data sets.

SPSS basics (Day 1): Getting started with SPSS, data management, exploratory data analysis, outlier diagnostics, common plots, analysis of categorical data, scientific presentation of results

Group comparisons (Day 2): Hypothesis testing, type I and II errors, sample size, effect size, power calculation, confounding factors, Comparing means: t-test, multiple testing, one-factor-ANOVA, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman analysis of ranks, scientific presentation of results

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 04.11.-05.11.2024 (9am-3pm) or 01.04.-02.04.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • DFP/CPD: 6 per day
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company) per day; Each day can be booked seperately.
  • Teaching Method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer: Katharina Eberhard, BA MA and Andrea Groselj-Strele, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR 83)

Equipment: Please take a laptop with you.


Survival and categorical data analysis in SPSS for life sciences

The aim of the first part in this course is to describe various methods used for modeling and evaluating survival data, also called time-to-event data. General statistical concepts and methods discussed in this course include survival and hazard functions, Kaplan-Meier graphs, log-rank and related tests and Cox proportional hazards model.

The second part of the course will focus on the analysis of contingency table data, where the cell entries represent counts that are cross-tabulated using categorical variables. Tests for (conditional) independence are discussed in the context of odds-ratios, relative risks and simple Chi²-tests. Upon successful completion of this courses, participants will be able to check test specific assumptions and will be familiar with common statistical methods in survival and categorical data analysis. The participants will have the ability to choose the suitable statistical analysis method for different data sets and will have insight how to interpret statistical results.


Survival analysis (Part 1): Overview of different Survival models, focussed on Kaplan Meier and Log Rank test, Cox Regression;

Analyzing categorical data (Part 2): Odds Ratio, Relative-Risk, Chi², McNemar, estimation of cut-offs, ROC/AUC analysis, sensitivity and specifity, scientific presentation of results;

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 10.12.2024, 9 am-3 pm or 13.05.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • DFP/CPD: 6 
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company)
  • Teaching Method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer:Katharina Eberhard, BA MA
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83)

Equipment: Please take a laptop with you.

Statistical errors in medical research

This course is an introduction to the most common errors and pitfalls in statistics. Errors and pitfalls relating to study design and planning, data analysis, data interpretation and data presentation and even obvious data manipulations are discussed on the basis of several examples from scientific journals.

After successful completion of the course, the course participant will have the ability to read scientific papers in a critical manner and to question the methods and statistics used in publications. The course participant will have the knowledge to detect obvious errors in simple statistical models and will understand simple statistical results.

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: on demand (9am-1pm)
  • Language: English or German
  • DFP/CPD: 5
  • Costs: 100 Euro (University)/ 200 Euro (Company)
  • Teaching Method: 50% lecture and 50% interactive
  • Lecturer: Katharina Eberhard, BA MA and Andrea Groselj-Strele, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.P.04.023 

Equipment: To bring a laptop with you is recommended. 

Analysis of variance and regression in SPSS for life sciences

This course is an introduction to statistical methods and statistical software in the field of Analysis of Variance and Regression analysis. On the basis of various practical examples, the participants learn to analyse and visualize data and how to interpret results. A main goal is to show participants the importance of quality control, assessing assumptions and ensuring adequate sample size. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be familiar with the statistical methods covered in this two days and will be able to interpret statistical results. The participants will have the ability to choose the suitable statistical analysis method for different data sets.

Analysis of Variance (Day 1): one-way ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, scientific presentation of results

Regression analysis (Day 2): Pearson, Spearman, Partial correlations, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, binary logistic regression, scientific presentation of results

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 18.11.-19.11.2024 (9am-3pm) or 08.04.-09.04.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • DFP/CPD: 6 per day
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company) per day; Each day can be booked seperately.
  • Teaching Method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer: Katharina Eberhard, BA MA and Andrea Groselj-Strele, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83) and  MC2.N.02.019 (UR 84)

Equipment: Please take a laptop with you.

Data management

In this workshop critical concepts and practical methods to support planning, collection and dissemination of data in clinical and medical research are presented. Participants learn how to structure their research data, how to merge different files, import and export data. Merging data, coding and labelling data in a meaningful manner is essential and provides the basis for later data analysis. Additional topics: Convert string variables to a numeric variables, convert categorical string variables to labeled numeric variables, create categorical variables from continuous variables, create a new variable that is calculated from other variables, create date variable from a date that is stored as a.

Questions that are addressed in this workshop:

  • What to do with missing values?
  • How can I identify and remove duplicate observations?
  • How to deal with outliers? How can I better structure my data in excel?
  • How should I arrange my data file depending on my research design?
  • What is important in the data collecting process?
  • Do I have to consider the proposed statistical methods during the data management process?

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 09.12.2024 (9:30 am - 11:00 am) or 14.05.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • Costs: free of charge
  • Teaching Method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer: Katharina Eberhard, BA MA
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83) 

Equipment: To bring a laptop with you is recommended. 


Introduction into R for life science researchers

R is a statistical program that can be used interactively to explore data or used as a programming language to implement complex data analyses. It is extensible via libraries which can add both new functions for analysis and new data for reference. The course participants will take the first steps with R and learn to master the basics. In several sections, they will cover its basic syntax, making them ready to undertake their own first data analysis using R.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be familiar with: data structures in R, basic commands, data import/export, installation of packages, help function in R, data visualizations with basic plot functions.

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 19.11.2024 (9am-3pm) or 06.05.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • DFP/CPD: 6
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company)
  • Teaching Method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer: Slave Trajanoski, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83) 

Equipment: Please take a laptop with you.

Intermediate R for life science researchers

R is a language and computational environment for statistics, advanced data analysis, machine learning and visualization; it is the most widely used programming language in bioinformatics.
Due to technological advances in molecular biology (genomics, large-scale systems biology) research in the life sciences is becoming increasingly data rich. The aim of this course is to provide students with a deeper knowledge how to use R for data analyses. For this purpose, participants will learn key concepts to write modular code.
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to more proficiently use R for data analysis in life science research by applying loops, control structures and create complex graphics.

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 21.11.2024 (9am-3pm) or 08.05.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • Teaching method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Target audience: PhD students, technicians, medical doctors and researchers
  • Entrance qualifications: A basic understanding of R as shown by successful completion of the course “Introduction into R for Life Science Researcher”.
  • DFP/CPD: 6
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company)
  • Lecturer: Slave Trajanoski, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83)

Equipment:Please take a laptop with you.

Short introduction to Linux and command line data analysis

Most tasks of bioinformatics are processed using the Linux operating system (OS). Therefore, familiarity with and understanding of basic Linux command lines is essential for bioinformatics analysis. This course will provide you an introduction to the Linux OS and its basic command line tools. Material will cover logging into remote machines, filesystem organization and file manipulation. During the course participants will also learn how to use and submit jobs with SLURM on the cluster.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be familiar with:

  • Basic Linux commands (including grep, sort, find, etc.)
  • Running tools over SLURM (cluster management and job scheduling system)

 For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 17.10.2024 (9am-11am) or 25.03.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • Costs: for free
  • Lecturer: Slave Trajanoski, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83) 

Equipment: To bring a laptop with you is recommended. 

Introduction in working with MedBioNode cluster

Core Facility Computational Bioanalytics is operating High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure called MedBioNode at the Medical University Graz. This training will provide to the participants thorough description of this cluster as well as explain the possibilities how it can be used and accessed to run data analysis tasks.

The training is compulsory for all new users of the MedBioNode cluster.

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: on demand 1 hour
  • Language: English or German
  • Costs: free of charge
  • Teaching method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer: Slave Trajanoski, PhD
  • Registration Deadline: -
  • Location: MC2.P.04.023

Using SLURM on MedBioNode for parallel computing

Slurm is an open-source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters.

It provides three key functions:

  1. allocating exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work,
  2. providing a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (typically a parallel job such as MPI) on a set of allocated nodes, and
  3. arbitrating contention for resources by managing a queue of pending jobs.

This course will go over the basic principles of using the Slurm Workload Manager on the MedBioNode cluster. There will be some short hands-on exercises, so attendees should know how to work in Linux and log on the cluster as a prerequisites.

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 17.10.2024 (2pm-3pm)1 hour or 25.03.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • Costs: free of charge
  • Teaching method: 20% lecture and 80% interactive
  • Lecturer: Slave Trajanoski, PhD
  • Entrance qualifications: This course will go over the basic principles of using the Slurm Workload Manager on the MedBioNode cluster. There will be some short hands-on exercises, so attendees should know how to work in Linux and log on the cluster as a prerequisites.
  • Registration Deadline: -
  • Location:  MC2.N.02.018 (UR83)

Equipment: To bring a laptop with you is recommended. 


Introduction into Galaxy for life science researchers

Galaxy is a scientific data analysis, data integration and data publishing platform based on workflows that aims to make computational biology accessible to research scientists that do not have computer programming experience.

The course participants will take the first steps with Galaxy. Upon successful completion of this course, they will be familiar with:

  • Galaxy interface,
  • working with data upload,
  • data histories and data analysis,
  • as well as data visualization, data sharing and workflow execution

Hardware and Software:Please take a laptop with you. You can log into Galaxy with your Med Uni Graz-email. In case you don’t have one, please contact us in advance.

  • Date: 14.10.2024 (9am - 11am) or 12.03.2025
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR 83)
  • Costs: free of charge
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Teaching method: Interactive hands-on training
  • Lecturer: Marija Durdevic, MSc

For registration please fill in the registration form .

16s rRNA microbiome data analysis in Galaxy

16s rRNA microbiome profiling is very popular method for quantitative bacterial characterization of different samples. Tools for the data analysis are already good established and they can be used in the web-based Galaxy platform. This workshop is intended to show full pipeline with all necessary steps of analyzing 16s rRNA microbiome data in Galaxy (preprocessing and QC, generating ASV table, alpha and beta diversity and groups comparison). The course participants will learn the tools and their parameters to properly analyze their own dataset. Upon successful completion of this course, they will be familiar with:

  • Upload Microbiome data in Galaxy,
  • Data preprocessing – generating feature table
  • Alpha and beta diversity analysis and visualization
  • Groups comparison
  • Accessing and reading the generated results

Requirements: Basics of working with Galaxy platform or previously attended Galaxy training

Hardware and Software: Please take a laptop with you. You can log into Galaxy with your MUG-email.

For registration please fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 15.10.2024 (9am - 3pm) or 13.03.2025
  • Language: English
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company) per day
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR 83)
  • Registration Deadline: 7 days in advance
  • Teaching Method: Interactive hands-on training
  • Lecturer: Marija Durdevic, MSc

Animal Experimentation

Basic course in laboratory animal science EU function A, implementation of procedures with animals, (former FELASA B)

Basiskurs in Labortierkunde EU Funktion A, Durchführung von Verfahren an Tieren“ (ehemalig FELASA B)


  • Einführung in die Versuchstierkunde
  • Ersatz- und Ergänzungsmethoden
  • Biologie der wichtigsten Versuchstierarten (Maus, Ratte und Kaninchen)
  • Anatomie, Physiologie, Verhalten und Umgang mit Versuchstieren, Erkennen von Schmerzen, Leiden und Schaden, Ernährung und Fütterungstechniken, Zucht und Genetik
  • Pflege und Haltung der wichtigsten Versuchstierarten
    Tierhaltungsräume, Barriere, Isolator, Haltungseinheiten, Mindestraumbedarf, Fütterung
  • Hygiene in Versuchstierhaltungen
    Reinigung, Desinfektion, Mikrobiologischer Status von Versuchstieren, Gesundheitsüberwachung des Tierbestandes, Verhinderung von Infektionen, Versuchstierkrankheiten (Erkennen, Behandeln, Schutzmaßnahmen, Einflüsse auf Versuchsergebnisse)
  • Ethische Grundlagen für tierexperimentelles Arbeiten
  • Rechtliche Grundlagen für tierexperimentelles Arbeiten
  • Durchführung von Tierversuchen
    Versuchsplanung und Protokollführung, Narkose und Schmerzausschaltung, Abbruchkriterien zur Leidensbegrenzung, Methoden der Applikation und/oder Probenentnahme, Grundlagen chirurgischen Arbeitens- spezielle Operationsmethoden, Prä- und postoperative Versorgung der Tiere, Tierschutzgerechte Tötung von Versuchstieren und Tierkörperbeseitigung



  • Handling, Fixierung
  • Applikation und Blutentnahme bei Maus, Ratte und Kaninchen
  • Inhalations- und Injektionsnarkose
  • OP-Feld Vorbereitung
  • Instrumentenkurs, Nahtkurs, Wundverschluss an Silikonpräparat
  • Auch projektspezifische Fragestellungen und zusätzliche Übungsstunden können (im Anschluss) bearbeitet werden.

Für die Kursanmeldung bitte das Registrierungsformular verwenden.


  • Datum: 11.11.-15.11.2024, 08:00-17:30 (online und vor Ort)
  • Kurssprache: Deutsch
  • DFP/CME: 50
  • Kosten (Unterlagen): a) Angehörige der Med Uni Graz: EUR 780,- b) Angehörige anderer Universitäten (gültiger Studierendenausweis bzw. Immatrikulationsnummer): EUR 980,- c) MitarbeiterInnen aus Industrie und Wirtschaft, sonstige: EUR 1.350,00,-
  • Anmeldefrist: 01. November 2024 (solange Plätze frei sind)
  • Veranstaltungsort: Medical University of Graz/ Biomedizinische Forschung, Roseggerweg 48, 8036 Graz, Seminarraum
  • Kontakt: Dipl. vet. Aida Saric Mail: aida.saric(at); Tel.: +43 (0)316 385-78020 oder bmf-sekretariat(at), Tel.:+43 (0)316 385- 12524

Basic course in animal studies, pig module

Basiskurs für Tierexperimentelles Arbeiten, Schweine Modul

Theoretischer Teil 

  • Schwein als Biomodell an der Biomedizinischen Forschung
    • a. gesetzlicher Hintergrund /3 R´s
    • b. Verschiedene Schweinerassen und deren Vorteile/Probleme bei Tierversuchen
    • c. Probleme und Lösungen bei der Durchführung von Langzeituntersuchungen beim Schwein
  • Klinische Untersuchung des Schweines
    • a. Einführung in die klinische Propädeutik (internistischer Untersuchungsgang)
    • b. Beurteilung des Allgemeinzustandes (overall performance category, OPC)
    • c. Dermatologischer Untersuchungsgang
    • d. Neurologischer Untersuchungsgang (neurologic deficit score, NDS)
  • Krankheiten, Applikationsmethoden und Blutentnahmetechniken
    • a. i.m., s.c., i.p., i.v.-Injektionstechniken
    • b. Blutentnahme aus der V. jugularis und der V. cava cranialis
    • Legen eines Verweilkatheters in die V.jugularis
    • c. Hämatologische und blutchemische Referenzwerte
    • d. Neurologischer Untersuchungsgang (neurologic deficit score, NDS)
    • f. Euthanasie
    • g. Diagnostik anzeigepflichtiger Schweineseuchen und wichtiger Zoonosen
  • Schwein und Biosicherheit
  • Das isolierte Schweinherz; Reduktion von Tierversuchen durch Organe aus dem Schlachthof
  • Anästhesie und Analgesie beim Schwein
  • Führung am BMF

Praktischer Teil

    • a. Artgerechter Umgang mit dem Schwein
    • b. Arbeiten am künstlichen Schweinemodell
    • c. Demonstration des Narkosegerätes
    • d. Vorbereitung, Prämedikation und Narkose, Zugänge legen
    • e. Injektionstechniken i.m., s.c., Harnkatheter
    • f. Euthanasie und Obduktion
    • g. Individuelle Fragestellungen


  • Datum: 14.10.-15.10.2024; Details: 14.10.2024 (09:00-17:00 online) und 15.10.2024 (10:00-16:00 vor Ort) oder 16.10.2024 (10:00-16:00 vor Ort)
  • Kurssprache: Deutsch
  • DFP/CME: 15
  • Kosten: EUR 1050,- (Einheitspreis)
  • Lehrmethode: Theorie und Praxis
  • Zielgruppe: Wissenschaftler*innen aus den BereichenHuman-, Tier- und Zahnmedizin sowie andere Personen, die die geforderten Fachkenntnisse zur Durchführung von Tierversuchen erwerben möchten bzw. nachweisen müssen, als auch Tierpflegepersonal, welches Fachkenntnisse vertiefen möchte. Der Fokus liegt bei diesem Kurs bei der Tierspezies Schwein.
  • Teilnahmekriterien: idealweise FELASA B oder äquivalente Ausbildung, sowie die Planung und Durchführung von Tierversuchen am Schweinen
  • Anmeldefrist: 20.September 2024 bzw. bis die maximale Teilnehmer*innenanzahl erreicht ist (6 Personen)
  • Vortragende: Bubalo Vladimir, Leiter der Core Facility Experimental Biomodels, leitender Tierarzt an der Biomedizinischen Forschung der Medizinische Universität Graz; vladimir.bubalo(at); Hausegger Bettina, Biomedizinische Forschung, Medizinische Universität Graz; bettina.hausegger(at); Marković Danijel, Mag., Biomedizinische Forschung, Medizinische Universität Graz; danijel.markovic(at); Plasenzotti Roberto,, SAN Group GmbH, Industriestraße 21 3130 Herzogenburg; roberto.plasenzotti(at); Saric Aida,; Biomedizinische Forschung, Medizinische Universität Graz; aida.saric(at); Sipos Wolfgang, Univ.Prof., Dipl. ECPHM. Universitätsklinik für Schweine, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, und Tierarztpraxis Schwertfegen, Fachtierarztpraxis für Schweine; wolfgang.sipos(at); Wiederstein-Grasser Iris, Dipl.ECVAA. Biomedizinische Forschung, Medizinische Universität Graz; iris.wiederstein-grasser(at);
  • Veranstaltungsort: Medical University of Graz/ Biomedizinische Forschung, Roseggerweg 48, 8036 Graz, BMF Seminarraum
  • Kontakt: Dipl. vet. Aida Saric; Mail: aida.saric(at); Tel.: +43 (0)316 385-78020

National legislation for animal experimentation – guidelines for project application

Erstellen eines Tierversuchsantrags


  • Gesetzliche Grundlagen Österreichs
  • Tierversuch: ja oder nein?
  • Tierschutzgremium
  • Antragsformular/Kriterienkatalog
  • Nichttechnische Projektzusammenfassung
  • Beispiele der Zuordnung von Schweregraden

Praktische Übung in der Gruppe

  • Erstellung eines Beispielantrags

Kontakt: Dipl. vet. Aida Saric; Mail: aida.saric(at); Tel.: +43 (0)316 385-78020

Für die Kursanmeldung bitte das Registrierungsformular verwenden. 

Basic training course in laboratory animal science, Mouse/Rat module

The theory course takes place over the LAS interactive platform, with additional parts on the Austrian legislature via Webex. Learning contents include:

  • National relevant research animal protection legislation (according to Directive 2010/63/EU) via Webex
  • Ethics and the 3Rs 
  • Basics of planning experiments, incl. database searches
  • Breeding and housing of laboratory animals
  • Experimental methods
  • Constraints on laboratory animals (German "Belastung")
  • Killing of laboratory animals
  • Anaesthesia
  • Surgical procedures
  • Biology
  • Housing and special requirements

The practical training component takes place by arrangement at the location Biomedizinische Forschung (BMF) Roseggerweg 48, A-8036 Graz and contains:

  • Introduction and expectations for the course
  • Practical exercises
  • Handling
  • Anaesthesia
  • Application techniques: Intraperitoneal application, oral application, subcutane application
  • Bleeding techniques: Vena facialis, Vena caudalis mediana
  • Final blood sampling technique
  • Euthanasia: Cervical luxation, autopsy


At a glance

  • Dates: registration possible at any time
  • Language: English
  • DFP:14
  • Costs: Documents & snacks included a) EUR 555,- Employees & students of Med Uni Graz b) EUR 645,- Members of other universities c) EUR 735,- industry
  • Location: Medical University of Graz/ Biomedizinische Forschung, Roseggerweg 48, 8036 Graz; Room: BMF seminar room
  • Contact: Dipl. vet. Aida Saric; Mail: aida.saric(at);  Tel.: +43 (0)316 385-78020 or bmf-sekretariat(at), Tel.:+43 (0)316 385- 12524


Lab Techniques

Real time PCR workshop

The quantitative real-time PCR workshop will provide attendees a comprehensive overview of real-time PCR including data analysis and statistics. According to the ongoing Corona situation the course is done online (WebEx) only.

The workshop is organized in modules:

Module 1: basic course showing the theory of qPCR:

  • Traditional PCR vs qPCR
  • Detection methods: TaqMan, SYBR
  • Commonly used terms in qPCR
  • Study design: RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, qPCR, reference genes
  • Quality checks on raw data: check amplification curves, melt curves, non template controls, standards / efficiency value

Module 2: advanced course including data analysis

  • Quality checks on raw data
  • Theory of DataAnalysis
  • Absolut/relative Quantification
  • ddCq-methods; efficiency correction
  • Calculation using interplate calibrator
  • Data preparation for statistics
  • Troubleshooting

Module 3: statistics basics (Module 2 is mandatory for Module 3​​​​​​)

  • Introduction into SPSS environment
  • Import data
  • Handling missing values
  • Imputation methods
  • Outlier diagnostics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Explorative data analysis

Module 4: statistics advanced (Module 2 and Module 3 are mandatory for Module 4)

  • Differential expression analysis for two independent groups
  • Differential expression analysis for three or more independent groups
  • Differential expression analysis for two time points
  • Differential expression analysis for three or more time points
  • Adjusting p-values in cases of multiple hypothesis testing
  • Data visualization

At a glance

  • Date: 11.11.-14.11.2024 (10am-3pm) or 10.11.-13.11.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • Target audience: PhD students, technicians, medical doctors and researchers
  • DFP/CPD: 5
  • Costs: 150 Euro/day (University)/ 300 Euro (Company)
  • Teaching Method: lecture and hands on training
  • Entrance qualifications: for Module 1 (qPCR beginners) for Module 2 (advanced knowledge), Module 3 (Module 2 is mandatory), Module 4 (Module 2 and 3 are mandatory)
  • Lecturer: Andrea Groselj-Strele, PhD, Karin Wagner
  • Registration Deadline:14 days in advance
  • Location: online (WebEx)

Flow cytometry basic course

Flow cytometry has become an essential tool in biological research as well as clinical diagnostics. The technology of flow cytometry enables high-speed analysis and isolation of cells in suspension by rapid and simultaneous analysis of multiple parameters at a single-cell level.

This one-day course will cover the basic fundamentals of this technique and will give an overview of its wide range of applications in biomedical research.

Particular emphasis will be given on the key aspects of designing a successful flow cytometry experiment, including multicolor panel design, instrument set-up, experimental and technical controls, compensation and spillover spreading. This will also be demonstrated by interactive exercises in the hands-on part session of the course. This course is aimed at those who are new to flow cytometry and intend to use it for their research work as well as for users who already have some experience but missed out learning the theoretical basics of flow cytometry. It is also a great opportunity for those users who want to refresh their knowledge about best practices in flow cytometry.

At a glance

  • Date: 06.05-07.05.2025 (9am-1pm)
  • Language: English or German
  • Costs: 200 Euro (University)/ 500 Euro (Company)
  • Teaching Method: 75% lecture and 25% hands-on
  • Lecturer: Heimo Strohmaier, PhD
  • Registration Deadline:14 days in advance
  • Location: EG-068 (former ÖH)

Introduction into Proteomics

Proteomics denotes the experimental analysis of proteins and proteomes, mostly determined via mass spectrometry. The output often relies first on a well thought experimental design. Secondly on a sample preparation method depending on the research question. And third: The right handling of mass spectrometry data is crucial for a reliable output. In this course you will learn the most important facts on experimental strategies and how to set up an proteomics experiment. Additionally there will be an introduction in mass spectrometry, for a better understanding what Proteomics is doing. Further there will be a hands on training on a small proteomic dataset to get even more insight into proteomic analysis.
For the hands on training the software Perseus is used. You can download it for free in advance.

For registration fill in the registration form.

At a glance

  • Date: 15.05.2025 or 23.10.2025 (9am – 3pm) 
  • Language: English or German
  • Costs: 150 Euro (University)/ 300 Euro (Company) 
  • Teaching Method: 60 % lecture and 40 % interactive
  • Lecturer: Barbara Darnhofer, PhD
  • Registration Deadline:7 days in advance
  • Location: MC2.N.02.018 (UR83)

Equipment: Please take a laptop with you.

Cell Culture basic course

Cell Culture basic course provides an introduction to cell culture, covering topics such as laboratory setup, aseptic techniques and safety aspects. You'll also find basic methods for passaging adherend cells, handling with suspension cells, freezing/thawing and cell counting. The theoretical part includes: routine methods in cell culture, culture media and ingredients, cell counting and various viability assays (e.g xCELLigence real time cell monitoring). The practical part includes: sterile working techniques, enzymatic digestion, freezing, and thawing of cells.


At a glance

  • Date: 22.10.-23.10.2024 (8am-2pm) or 04.03-05.03.2025 or 14.10.-15.10.2025
  • Language: English or German
  • Target audience: PhD students, technicians and researchers
  • Costs: 200 Euro (University)/ 500 Euro (Company)
  • Teaching Method: 40% lecture and 60% interactive
  • Lecturer: Rinner, Beate, Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr.; Karner, Christina, BSc MSc; Meditz, Katharina
  • Registration Deadline: 14 days in advance 
  • Location:ZMF SR EG-086/087

Guided tours

Radionuclide area - possible uses and guided tour

Die Med Uni Graz stellt für Forscher*innen zwei Radionuklidbereiche bereit, in denen die Möglichkeit besteht, Experimente unter Verwendung offener Radionuklide durchzuführen. Die Labors verfügen sowohl über moderne Messgeräte in Bezug auf Radioaktivitätsmessung als auch über eine vielfältige gerätetechnische Ausstattung für den allgemeinen Laborbetrieb. Das ermöglicht die Durchführung von Zellkultur– und Tierexperimenten sowie chemischer bzw. biochemischer Methoden mit radioaktiv markierten Substanzen z. B. RIA (Radioimmunoassay, Proliferation Assay etc.)

Die Führung startet am Med Campus (Treffpunkt: Infopoint im Eingangsbereich des Med Campus, MC1.A.EG.001). Wir begeben uns direkt in den Radionuklidbereich und besichtigen dessen unterschiedliche Labors und Messgeräte. Dabei werden die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der Labors sowie der Messgeräte erläutert und erklärt, wie man zu einer Nutzungsberechtigung dieses Bereiches gelangt. Ein Exkurs zu den zugelassenen Radionukliden, deren Gefahren und den dafür notwendigen Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen vervollständigt die Führung im Radionuklidbereich des Med Campus. Nach einer Fragerunde besteht für Interessierte die Möglichkeit zusätzlich den Radionuklidbereich samt B-Labor am ZMF 1 zu besichtigen.

Aufgrund der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen ist die Teilnahme an der Führung für Personen unter 18 Jahren sowie schwangeren Frauen und stillenden Müttern nicht möglich.

Die Führung durch den Radionuklidbereich am Med Campus dauert ca. 60 Minuten. Falls Interesse an einer anschließenden Führung durch den Radionuklidbereich im ZMF 1 besteht, sollten Sie zusätzlich 30 Minuten Zeit einplanen.


  • Datum: auf Anfrage (60-90 Minuten)
  • Sprache: Englisch oder Deutsch
  • Kosten: kostenlos
  • Lehrmethode: Führung
  • Vortragende: Birgit Reiter, Ing.
  • Veranstaltungsort: Treffpunkt: Infopoint im Eingangsbereich des Med Campus, MC1.A.EG.001

Guided tour: Prototyping & Construction

Nach einer Kurzvorstellung der Core Facility Wissenschaftliche Werkstätte (Prototyping & Construction) wird eine Begehung mit ausführlichen Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Maschinen und möglichen Fertigungsverfahren (Drehen, Fräßen,3dDruck, etc.) stattfinden. Im Verlauf der Führung wird das breit gefächerte Portfolio der Serviceleistungen an Geräten und die Möglichkeiten der Nutzung der CAD Software präsentiert. Anhand von laufenden Projekten und Ausstellungsstücken wird ein möglicher Projektablauf (von der Kontaktaufnahme bis zur Produktfertigung) dargestellt. Einblicke in einzelne Entwicklungsschritte mit der Möglichkeit der individuellen Anpassung an Kundenwünsche werden gewährt. Am Ende der Führung können offene Fragen geklärt oder bereits konkrete Projektanfragen gestellt werden.   


  • Datum: auf Anfrage (45-60 Minuten)
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Kosten: kostenlos
  • Lehrmethode: Führung
  • Vortragende: Markus Pichler, Mst
  • Veranstaltungsort: Treffpunkt: Infopoint im Eingangsbereich des Med Campus, MC1.A.EG.001


Katharina Eberhard, BA MA
T: +43 316 385 71450