Gebäudefassade ZMF

Seven Core Facilities provide access to instruments, technologies, methods, services, as well as expert consultation and other services for scientific and clinical investigators.

The focus is on interdisciplinary networking: Seminar rooms and foyer are available to Medical University of Graz employees for different use, such as meetings, workshops, lectures, etc. The ZMF 1 features 4 seminar rooms and 1 foyer with multimedia equipment ranging in size from 25 -70 m2 (10-100 seats). 3 seminar rooms are available in ZMF 2.

Christian Gülly

"The ZMF strives to provide a vibrant and stimulating environment that fosters communication and cooperation across medical disciplines and across boundaries between university and industry, enabling synergies between like-minded investigators to be identified and further developed."

Christian Gülly, Head of the Center for Medical Research

Head of the Center for Medical Research

Christian Gülly 
T: +43 316 385 73001